Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Antibes, France

Today we all decided that we would have a quiet day so we had a lazy day around the campsite and headed to the beach. When we got to the beach noticed that it was a much clearer day then usual (there always seemed to be a lot of smog around) and the view of the French Riviera was amazing. You could clearly see Nice and Monaco and even the snow capped mountains of the alps! It was a nice view whilst having to re-focus and awkwardly walk on the pebbly beach of Antibes to go for a swim.
When we headed back to the camp we decided that is was time to put on a few loads of washing. So we put just about everything that we owned on: sheets, towels and clothes and decided that we would put all the towels and sheets in the dryer as we didn’t have the space for them to dry. All was going well when we tried to put our things through the dryer (twice!) and they still didn’t dry so we had to give up on that idea and try to construct as many clothes lines as possible. By the time we had everything on the lines our campsite looked like a chinese laundry! Luckily we packed lots of rope!

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